Business Category: Transportation - non-emergency, medical

Radius: mile

WIHD’s Health Service is an outpatient primary care, dental, behavioral health and specialty medical provider. We can assist with guardianship, OPWDD eligibility and related issues. The Community Support Network (CSN) at WIHD

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ADAPT Community Network celebrated its 70th Anniversary in 2017. So much has been accomplished since our founding in 1947 and yet there is so much more to do. The families who founded the agency would be proud of the many

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Delaware Opportunities Inc. was established in 1965 under provisions of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, as a Community Action Agency. Delaware Opportunities is a not-for-profit, private corporation. Although the agency

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We are a community based, civil rights and peer advocacy organization dedicated to helping adults, children and families with any kind of disability.

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State Operations Office (WNYDDSOO) provides services to individuals with developmental disabilities, in a variety of settings and locations within the seven counties of Western New York.

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We offer a full range of comprehensive services monitored by a board-certified physician including: primary medical, nursing, podiatry, nutrition, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, vocational

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Children, from birth to age 5, may receive comprehensive evaluations to determine their eligibility for early intervention and preschool services, and to help determine which services will benefit the child.

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